Randy Kramer wrote:

>shane wrote:
>>On Saturday 13 July 2002 08:08 am, robin did speak unto the huddled masses,
>>>Ideally we would have an OS that would be
>>>comprehensible to a person of average intelligence with no RTFM, but
>>>would not hinder the advanced user by dumbing things down. This is an
>>>unattainable ideal, but an approachable one; as we progress towards it,
>>>we are bound to lurch from one side or another.
>>why does this sound like the speed of light problem?  will linux, as it
>>approaches this unattainable mark, slowly increase in size until it is
>>infinitely large?  sounds like windows...... ;)
>Interesting thought!  (Sounds like something I'd mention, but you saw it
>Anyway, then we need "code janitors" or refactorers to start reducing
>the size.
Well, as I saw somewhere:

Rule 1: Any program can be reduced by at least one line.
Rule 2: Any program will contain at least one bug
Corrolary: All programs can be reduced to one line, which will contain a 

Sir Robin

"We're clouds over the sea, or flecks of matter
in the ocean when the ocean seems lit from within.
I know I'm drunk when I start this ocean talk." - Rumi

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533


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