On Monday 15 Jul 2002 9:33 pm, you wrote:
> > During the evening my machine has got slower and slower, and now it takes
> > almost a minute to open any application.  I have logged out, and even
> > halted,
> Hmm. There might be an application or task that's swallowed a lot of
> RAM on your system. I would run 'top' in an xterm or konsole and see
> if there's anything that is eating up a good deal of RAM.

To the untutored eye everything looks reasonable.  

64 processes, 62 sleeping, 2 running
load average: 0.02 0.03, 0.00
CPU states: 0.5% user, 0.1% system, 0.0% nice, 99.0% idle
Mem: 513800K av, 295892K used, 217900K free, 0K shrd, 15604K buff

The Mem used is creeping up all the time.

> Sometimes it's a good idea to logout and log back in - in other words
> getting completely out of X and back to console mode, and restarting
> X. Ordinarily, this action is a pretty drastic one.

Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?

> > During the bootup messages I briefly saw something to the effect that a
> > compressed image had been found and was being uncompressed.  Is this
> That's normal - the kernel image is compressed to save space.  By that
> comment, I assume you rebooted your machine - now did it again start to
> slow down?

The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow since.

The system is almost unusable.


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