Charlie wrote:

>July 18, 2002 11:37 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>At home, I am about to build a new computer, and I will be installing both
>>mandrake linux and win 2000 on a single hard drive. At work, I have already
>>installed mandrake linux on a computer that already had win 98. Everything
>>went fine and mandrake partioned the drive for me duing installation.
>>So, at home, as long as I install windoze first and mandrake second, is
>>there any reason to buy PartitionMagic 7.0?
>>I don't see myself changing partitions after everything is set up. Of
>>couse, I might later on even though I don't plan on doing it. Changing
>>partitions just seems like playing with fire ... in fact, I've read several
>>customer reviews on the web saying that things went horribly wrong (but
>>there were many other positive reviews as well).
>>I guess I'm wondering if anyone out there re-partitions their hard drive(s)
>>via mandrake's DiskDrake program, which would save me from spending $70 US
>>dollars for PartitionMagic.
>>Any advice/feedback appreciated!
>Why pay US$70 for something that's not really needed? 
>For partition management back when I was on the 'dark side,' I used Ranish 
>Partition Manager, a free utility that can be downloaded from your favourite 
>freebie site.
>explains the use 'parted' 
>to do the same thing for you and (I think) is included in MDK 8.2 disks, or 
>available at lots of download sites. I've only had to re-partition a hard 
>drive a (very) few times since I got off of the 'newbie re-install bus' and 
>those times were all at fresh installs of new versions of Mandrake. But my 
>personal data files and /home are on a separate hard drive(s). I also gave up 
>on Macrohard Doors [© Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob :-)] a long time ago. 
>The biggest trouble with Partition Magic (and probably almost any other 
>partition management software) would come from their use of differing 
>geometries and algorithms for the task. You always run the risk of 
>incompatibilities if you try to "mix 'n' match" so I suppose my advice would 
>be that if you do use PM don't try to use anything else. 
>Personally I'd do a little reading first:
>may help.
>Good luck! :-) 
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You do not need partition magic.  Just leave a blank unpartitioned area 
on the disk for linux or use FAT32 for Windoze or both.

If you want write access to the windows partition from linux, use FAT32 
for your flavor of windows.


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