I just got this e-mail from a friend of mine who does the computing stuff at 
the local county library. They used mixed OS's there, but he is a big 'Nix 

Got a quick question for ya.  would you be interested in trying to
get linux (mandrake 8.something) installed on some 486 and lower
class computers for Auxier Life time Learning Center (schools Are

Charlie Schaffer may be sending you an email about how much linux can
be installed on anywhere from 500meg to 1gig drives.

it is a microsoft thing that is causing them difficulties
with licensing so thought of you .  Ill be glad to help if I can
but only if you are there too.

SO my question is - can Mandrake 8.x be installed on 486's? I know this has 
come up before. If 8.x can't work, is there still an available version that 
will? We have T-1's at the Library - can grab just about any size ISO image.

Love to help Mandrake Linux get another foothold somewhere locally where a 
lot of people would be exposed to it. We are doing this voluntarily (no pay).

Thanks much guys!


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