Thanks very much!  I spent some time viewing /var/log/syslog, and that
was helpful.

I can't find anything else that is starting imapd (in rc.d, or
elsewhere), yet because of the ready line when I telnet to port 143, I
believe it is starting.

In /var/log/syslog I found that my problem is usually "Missing command
before authentication host[]".  I tried looking for this on
Google, and the indication is that I've got a bad client or am being
attacked.  Since I'm on a LAN behind a NAT, I don't think I'm being
attacked (I might be, but I doubt it -- GRC or whoever always says all
my ports are "stealthed").

So, I suspect that I don't know how to initiate a dialog with imap via
telnet -- I suspect that this command: "A001 user <username>
<password>", which I got from Linux Red Hat 6 Unleashed, is not valid.

Can somebody tell me how to initiate a dialog with imap via telnet?

Randy Kramer

Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> this seems to be the problem to me. I don't have experience with imap,
> but had a similar problem with proftp. proftp can run as standalone _or_
> as (x)inetd service, but not both! If you start proftpd from the command
> line and you also have disable=no in the corresponding xinet.d/
> configuration file, it will not work. So be sure that you are not
> starting imap from the rc.d, if you enable it in xinet.d
> good luck.

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