On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 11:48:26 -0400
Isaac Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (response below quote)
> On Friday 16 August 2002 08:38, Todd Slater wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 10:31:14PM -0400, Isaac Curtis wrote:
> > > Hey all,
> > >
> > > I'm always annoyed when I've got ten desktops buzzing along, all my
> > > work crisply compartmentalized, and all of a sudden I get an IM on a
> > > desktop I am trying to do something else with. I have to go to the
> > > trouble of closing it, returning to my IM desktop, returning the
> > > message and waiting for a response to my response so that I can make
> > > the IM stay where I want it to. Then of course I go back about my
> > > business, checking in to the IM desktop every minute or so, until I
> > > get another message from another person and the whole mess starts
> > > all over again.
> > >
> > > Am I an imbassyl?
> >
> > Isaac,
> >
> > Your window manager should have an option for you to keep/show an app
> > on all desktops. In Fluxbox it's called stick, and I'm pretty sure you
> > can do it in KDE, too. Right-click on the window's title bar, and you
> > should see your options.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Todd
> Well I actually never got to finish that email before I sent it (hence
> the  shameful spelling error) but what I'm talking about is sort of the
> opposite. I know how to allow those windows to pop up on all desktops,
> but that's the exact opposite of what I want. I want EveryBuddy to stay
> the hell away from my other desktops. I have all my apps neatly
> compartmentalized to the same desktops I always keep them on, and I
> don't want IM windows popping up in the way so that I have to go through
> the hassle of re-localizing them to the EveryBuddy desktop. Is there any
> way to force EveryBuddy (or any other IM program, this is so annoying
> I'm willing to switch software) to keep incoming IMs on its desktop, or
> should I write the developers as a feature request? I have the same
> complaint with Mozilla-- I hate popup windows in general, but if I'm
> flipping between desktops after clicking a link (56k modem... gotta do
> things while I wait for them to load) the popups come up on other
> desktops, which isn't as annoying as IMs but a bother nonetheless.
> Well, I hope that clears up what I was talking about. Again, I apologize
> for those emails getting out when they were incomlete. I tried to save
> them as drafts in KMail but then it force-sent them without my
> permission. My own fault, I'm sure, I've only used KMail for a week
> because Mozilla 1.0 doesn't let me use SMTP for some weird reason... not
> even localhost. Oh well. Another issue for another day. Thanks for the
> feedback and take it easy.
> Peace,
> Isaac
Don't know about your IM problem but have you considered Sylpheed as your
mail client?

Nigel Ridley.

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