Gabriel Phoenix wrote:
> Oh I agree with you... it amazing what happens when people fool around
> with the settings. Both KDE and GNOME are well, dull, especially, when
> compared to the eye candy of XP and WindowBlinds for MS Windows. I guess
> it comes from the fact there are few graphic designers involved the
> creation of the distros and managers.

I haven't fiddled with XP much (my only experience was connecting a 
friend to the Net so he could register it before it self-destructed).  I 
don't know if it as customisable as KDE - I love the fact that I not 
only have multiple desktops, but can have multiple wallpapers on each 
one. OK, it slows things down, but I just love seeing what's new on my 
Matrix desktop or my Star Wars desktop or ...

Sir Robin

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