On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, shane wrote:

> On Tuesday 10 September 2002 6:18 am, Len Lawrence did speak unto the
> huddled masses, saying:
> > OK friends.  Time for a rant.  <rant> Recently, after every Mandrake
> > install, I have chosen Gnome/Sawfish, as per usual, and have found
> > Nautilus taking over the desktop.  Now this is something I am not
> > prepared to tolerate.
> me either, gnome is intolerable  ;-)

Gnome ain't bad ;-) I personally use Fluxbox not really because of Gnome
itself, but one of the main reasons why I started looking for alternatives
is because of the way Mandrake is making Gnome totally dependant on
Natuilus (try uninstalling Nautilus, and rpm tells you it has to take down
Gnome and all with it too.... all for a bloody filemanager).  This isn't
either my first rant again Nautilus, but as nice looking as it is, it's so
damn heavy, big and slow. Browsing my own $HOME is like browsing via FTP...
> > One of the wonderful things about Linux is
> > the range of choice, bewildering perhaps, but intoxicating, so why is
> > Mandrake pushing Window$ style environments at us?
> i always thought that was gnome, not mandrake.  but then i don't use gnome,
> so.......

Well, to the best of my knowlegde, Gnome does *not* require Nautilus, but I 
believe Mandrake makes Gnome Nautilus-dependant. From the first time I 
tried it I didn't like it. Like I said, not because it isn't a great 
looking application, but due to it's <read_above> ;-)

> i wonder if you install with another file manager and uncheck nautilus what
> happens?

Uncheck? YOu mean uninstall... good luck to you, like I said rpm (be it 
urpmi or rpmdrake or just plain rpm) will want to take down Gnome with it.. 
and probably it'll want to uninstall everything requiring Gnome. I suppose 
that is one way to save space =) I'm using Fluxbox with XWC (X Windows 
Commander) filemanager. IT's light, fast, and more importantly very 

> to answer though, i think naut is the assumed "newbie friendly" manager in
> gnome, and mandrake does try to be newbie friendly.  i mean hey, they could
> be gentoo and boot you to commandline with no gui installed and expect you
> to do everything the hardway.  :-D

This is a solution too, but I agree that Len has a better point ;-) If they 
made Nautilus optional, I would say OK, everyone has the choice, but to 
make it as needed as RPM itself, I think not. Yeah sure, install KDE... I 
think not again. It's not that I'm against KDE either, but both these 
graphical managers are getting so big. KDE is getting faster though from 
what I hear, but gnome is unfortunately getting slower due to all these 
"dependancies" :-(

My advice to future releases of Gnome: Give Nautilus as an option, not as a 
requirement. And _if_ a user says "No" to the installation of it during the 
first boot of gnome in a new environment, keet it out of there. From my own 
experiences, clicking on certain things like Gnome-help pops up Nautilus 
starting the whole problem again... seeing as I chose _not_ to use it.

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