Ralph Slooten wrote:

>On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, John Richard Smith wrote:
>>I have downloaded lame-encoder-3.92-3tex.i586.rpm from above, and can 
>>that it does work with Mplayer (mine is the CVS version) .
>Great... you did recompile MPlayer I'm guessing with the lame RPM, or just 
>used a self-compiled/pre-compiled (with another version lame) MPlayer? Umm, 
>does that make scence.. hehe, what I mean is after installing this lame, 
>did you recompile MPlayer with mencoder, or was the MPlayer already 
>installed, thus compiled with another version of lame?
No I just took the old lame lame-20020408cvs-1mdk. off and put
 the lame-encoder-3.92-3tex.i586.rpm  on ,using the usual commands,
 went to mplyayer , encoded a chapter , then played it back in the usual 
As you know I use the CVS version, though it's perhaps a month or so
since I last updated.Otherwise I did nothing with mpl;ayer at all.I did
think I might have to go on the net and update  to get it to find
the newer version but ,no, I suppose it's because it's essencially
in the same old place /usr/bin/lame, that's where it looks for it and that's
where it finds it. I did check before I did this, I didn't want to make it
install in a different place , if possible.


John Richard Smith

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