On Tuesday 17 September 2002 09:26, Miark wrote:
> Marco,
> > Anyone who doesn't agree 100% with what George W. Bush says
> > or does, is automatically considered a terrorist or terrorist
> > sympathiser, and can be detained indefinitely without a shred
> > of evidence, legal representation or even visitation rights
> > for his next of kin.
> Have Newbie Americans been attacking Australia on this list? New
> Zealand? The UK? France? Canada? No. But let me tell you a secret:
> it's not because those countries are superior, or without fault.

Feel free to attack switzerland, I will be the first one to agree with you.

> You, on the other hand, just criticized the US. Worse, you are wrong,
> and clueless as to what goes on here. (And watching Aussie news
> doesn't count.) Do you think your comment was appropriate? Helpful?
> Edifying? Respectful?
> No, it was insulting, from the first sentence to the last.

He just points out that the Bush policy doesn't give way to something like: 
you are both wrong. It is absolute and the choice between bad and completely 
unacceptable isn't something I want to be forced to make.

And secondly as far a I know there is not a shred of evidence that the 
Taliban were responsible for the 11.Sept. (don't missunderstand me: it was 
right to fight them, their government violated just about every human right, 
but maybe they didn't do IT...)

> > Don't Americans know the laws that govern their very lives?
> > Maybe in this case, ignorance is bliss.
> Ignorance, indeed.
> I don't trash your country, so don't insult me with your media's
> fictions of mine.
> Miark


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