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On Monday 16 September 2002 9:42 pm, Dennis Myers did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

> > Anyone who doesn't agree 100% with what George W. Bush says
> > or does, is automatically considered a terrorist or terrorist
> > sympathiser, and can be detained indefinitely without a shred
> > of evidence, legal representation or even visitation rights
> > for his next of kin.
> >
> > Don't Americans know the laws that govern their very lives?
> Wrong, we have a bill of rights.

actually he is right.  if they say you are a suspected terrorist, you don't 
have a bill of rights.  didn't you notice bush and ashcroft tossed it out?

(AP reports) that the military tribunals ordered last year by the President 
would allow the executive branch sole authority over the imposition of the 
death penalty and could easily be held in secret.

 "Counter to assertions by the President and Secretary of Defense, these 
tribunals appear starkly different from regular courts-martial," said 
Timothy Edgar, an ACLU Legislative Counsel. "If, in fact, they will allow 
no appeal to a civilian body independent of the executive branch - putting 
the lives of defendants solely in the hands of the President - then they 
will not respect basic American, and international, ideals of fairness and 

 The ACLU's comments were sparked by media reports that Department of 
Defense regulations, which are expected to be released this week and are 
necessary to define the scope of the Presidential order authorizing the 
tribunals, will not allow defendants to appeal their sentences, even death 
sentences, to an civilian body independent of the executive branch. Also 
troubling are reports that the tribunals could be classified and held in 
secret solely at the discretion of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld or 
President Bush.

- -- 
1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by interdimentional teleportation.

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