On 17 Sep 2002, Alastair Scott wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 20:58, iggy wrote:
> > was wondering is anyone knows if anybody knows of a decent file sharing 
> > program.  have been unsuccessful with anything nutella, win or lin, no 
> > problems w/ the kazaa network.  is there anybody working on connectivity to 
> > kazaa?
> Well, _the_ Gnutella KDE client is qtella:

I have never been satisfied with the performance or speed of gnutella... 
having nothing to do with the clients.. just the network. I have heard so 
much ranting and raving, and yes it does work, but I just don't like it. 
Maybe there is something I am missing. Limewire seems to be the best 
gnutella client I have used, and it's pretty fast, but what the difference 
is between Limewire and other clients in terms of it's performance is I 
don't know either.

Oh, I hate Limewire too cause it uses java... is therfore slow, 
resource-hogging, and cannot be run in the background. I tried the other 
day to run Limewire.... it was using 94MB's of RAM..... I mean cummon!

Since about 4 months ago I have been using giFT (http://gift.sf.net/). It 
used to actually connect to the kazaa network, that is until kazaa changed 
from Holland to New Zeland (or wherever), and they encoded the network, 
preventing any other clones to get in.
GiFT then carried on in the open-source manner and sort-of created their 
own network like kazaa. It isn't anywhere near close to the 2,5 million 
users that are online on Kazaa, as I think on average there are 150-750 
users online, but it does offer quite a bit, and it's speed is generally 
great, it's light (you don't even notice it running except for 
download/upload traffic), and it can run in the background. Who knows, the 
more the merrier. It seems that everyone there shares.... I guess like the 
Linux community, which is nice. It does take self-compiling and a bit of 
configuring, but once you have it up and running, it'll be an ease ;-)

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