I have just finished setting up nfs exports to machines on a network (server LM8.1 and clients LM 8.1 and SuSE 7.2). im using NIS for logins into the linux boxes. previously, it exported all home directories well on every login. but after i changed the path of the home directories from /home/std to /home/students, everything went crazy. NIS still logs in well for the SuSE boxes but the are no exports at all, not the home directories or the other shared directories. I always get the message on the client side
mount : /home/students failed, reason given by server: Permision denied........ and so is the case with the other exports
on the server, the /var/log/messages gives me this report
rpc.mountd: refused mount request from (masaba2.tech.mak.ac.ug.2.168.192.in-addr.arpa) for /home/students (/home/students): no DNS forward lookup
all my permissions are set up OK, my name server is running well. is there anything im missing out on???
On the LM 8.1 client boxes, NIS has totally refused every attempt to make it function. i have set up everything but failed to get the message YP_PROC DOMAIN NOT BOUND and cant log in either.wouldnt mind so pointer to help me out. thanks Mike
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