Last time I tried this I managed to lose my /home partition, so I'm going to 
ask for help first, this time :-)  How do I manage this without losing 
        I'm going to remove /dev/hda, the original 30 gig HD, from this machine.  I 
am keeping /dev/hdb (60 gig), which will become the only HD on the system for 
the moment.  
        At this time the system boots from hda.  hda has everything on it except one 
user's home directory, /home/dad. 
        I have plenty of room to play with while switching things.  Usage is:

[root@[EMAIL PROTECTED] ffraley]$ df
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5             3.4G  1.4G  1.9G  41% /
/dev/hda6              15G  9.6G  4.4G  69% /home
/dev/hdb1              11G  132M   11G   2% /home/dad
/dev/hda1              11G  8.7G  1.4G  87% /mnt/windows

        I am not going to be reinstalling MSwindows on this machine but it does need 
to be on the 30 gig HD and working (a relative term) when things are 
finished.  I will also be dual-booting MDK from the 30 gig after installing 
it on my wife's new machine.
        Can someone point me to a cheat sheet for this, or list the steps?      


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