On Sunday 22 September 2002 09:28 pm, you wrote:
> S3 Virge can be a nightmare on Windows systems.  The company that
> produced them is out of business.  There are still drivers archived,
> although choosing the correct one must be done carefully.  You probably
> will be o.k. updating for Win98 or maybe even Win98 SE as long as you're
> using Win95 drivers (Win98 and SE were expensive bug fixes for Win95)
> ...  but I wouldn't try it (--from personal experience) on WinMe, Win2K
> or WinXP (these are listed for others who read this) because the
> available drivers either can't be installed successfully (windows
> doesn't recognize or use them) or they crash the card.
> Have you considered changing to a more mainstream card?
> Erik
I remeber in about 1996 or 7 (maybe 98) S3 had a program for resellers and 
repair centers that advertised that S3 would not question and would 
automatically give an RMA number and a new (equal memory, different chipset) 
videocard for any virge based card as an effort to be rid of this card. the 
flyer I saw about it came from a distributor (I think it was Merisol) that 
had the "headline" "help us purge the Virge". 

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