Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, alann wrote:
> > I was wondering "WHAT" file in Mandrake ( or RH for that matter )
> > contains all the package descriptions
> > that you get upon install.  In other words, when you install either you
> > have the choice of making broad package installs
> > or installing EVERY package manually.  When you do this you can hit F1
> > on every package and see a "description" of what it
> > does.  This is got to be in a file SOMEWHERE.  Just wondering if anyone
> > knows 'cause I would sure like to print it out
> > and see whats on my system hidden that I don't know about and can use.
> > ( There's a heck of a lot ).
> >
> > Alan
> >
> It's in the rpm it's self, also in the hdimage maybe you'd have to read to
> source.
> for i in `rpm -qa` ; do rpm -qi $i ; done
> or
> for i in *.rpm ; do rpm -qip $i ; done
> pipe it to a file or the spooler..
> --

Cool. I'll give it a try!

Coming to you with Linux-Mandrake 6.0

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