On Tuesday 01 October 2002 03:50 am, you wrote:
> mudder wrote:
> >try looking at these sites:
> >
> >http://orbita.starmedia.com/~neofpo/yaprimaxgui.html
> >
> >http://primax.sourceforge.net/
> >
> >They may shed some light on your problem. I remember that
> >my acer usb scanner needed to have it's firmware uploaded using a perl
> >script and a modification of the sane backend.
> >
> >Be prepared for a lot of trial and error and an equal amount of
> > frustration.
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Mudder
> Thanks for the links.  So far as I can make out, they are doing their
> best to write drivers for every Primax scanner  but mine.  Time to think
> about a new model, I guess.
I would be reading up on how the other scanners with models "kinda" like your 
are made to work, and try to figure out what the differences are, and how you 
could make your work. the Acer Remark above struck me, since I have an 
"unsupported" Acer Prisa 320 that I followed the directions for the prisa620, 
and changed which binary (*.bin) I used (in the windows install disk and 
folder) until I found the correct one, from then on I could use that scanner 
great, and I paid $40.00 US 2 years ago for that scanner. 

> Can anyone recommend one?  I'm not the world's greatest hacker so ease
> of setup is an important consideration.

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