Good evening to all.

I recently got a copy of Linux-Mandrake (v6.0) and, decided to load it this
weekend, on a PC rebuild out of parts I have laying around my garage, to
learn and eventually, migrate out of Windows entirely.

During the installation process and when it was time to setup the video
card and monitor type, the installation program "detected" a S3 type of
video card (when in effect, is an old Number9 PCI 1Mb video card).  The
monitor is a "generic svga" and I configured it as the "non-interlaced
SVGA" option, offered by the setup program.  After that, it decided that I
couldn't run X in nothing else but 640x480x256 mode, no matter what.

This is having an adverse effect on my attempts to reconfigure my KDE
display, as I loose the ability to access the bottom portions of some
configuration displays that have their buttons on the bottom of the window.
 I even tried to resize the window but, that didn't work either.

I suspect that the video card being used is the culprit and, I plan to
purchase a video card that is supported by linux, with video resolutions
greater than 640x480 and 16M colors at least.

My questions and concerns are: 

. How do I stop X from starting up (and eventually chocking due to hardware
conflict, when I change video cards?)

. What video card do you recomend?  I plan to use this PC for web browsing,
email correspondance, perl programming and image manipulation.  I have no
interest in games of any king (well, except for doom).

.What is the name of the utility to reconfigure X?

I thank you in advance.


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