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wow, maybe MS feels pressure from linux.  got a mail today.  my responce is 
included.  childish of me i know, but i am a bad person down deep.......

thought some of might enjoy it.

- ----------  Forward  ----------

Subject: Re: Connecting with Customers
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 16:02:32 -0700
To: "Steve Ballmer" 

first, a hint.  don't send in html.  only jackass microsoft users do that.

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 3:37 pm, Steve Ballmer did speak thus unto me:
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <STYLE TYPE="text/css">


> <p>I spend a lot of my time thinking about how Microsoft can do a better
> job of serving its customers. I'm convinced that we need to do more to
> establish and maintain broad connections with the millions of people who
> use our products and services around the world. We need to more
> thoroughly understand their needs,

i agree.  start by spamming your customers.  i use linux, because, frankly,
i upped my standards.  so up yours.

> <p>First I should give you some context on why I am sending you this
> email. This is one in an occasional series of mails that Bill Gates and
> I, and periodically other Microsoft executives, will be sending to people
> who are interested in hearing from us about technology and public-policy

and even people who don't want shit from you apparently.

> <p>If you would like to hear from us in the future, please click <a
> href="http://register.microsoft.com/subscription/subscribeMe.asp?lcid=103
>3&id=155">here</a>. If you don't want to hear from us again, you needn't
> do anything. We will not send you another of these emails unless you
> choose to subscribe at the link above.</p>

great MS joins the ranks of "opt-out bullshitters."  and i thought windows
ME was as low as you could go.

> <p>In my career, I've worked at only one other place besides Microsoft. I
> marketed brownie mix and blueberry muffin mix for one of the largest
> consumer products companies.

so you have always sold pre-packaged junk.  great.

> Even so, not every new grocery or drug-store item succeeds.

maybe they need an illegally maintained monopoly?

> <p>Satisfying customers is what it's all about with technology products,

then how did MS's "good enough" strategy work?

> And customers expect the same high quality and reliability in
> computing devices and software as they do in consumer products.

clearly not, or you would be pan handling on the street.

> That's why our customers still encounter bugs despite the
> rigorous and extensive stress testing and beta testing we do. With
> Windows 2000 and Windows XP, we dramatically improved the stability and
> reliability of our platform

and a lofty goal that was!  from zero to....... well, not zero.

> <p>The process of finding and fixing software problems has been hindered
> by a lack of reliable data on the precise nature of the problems
> customers encounter in the real world. Freeze-ups and crashes can be
> incredibly irritating, but rarely do customers contact technical support
> about them; instead, they close the program. Even when customers do call
> support and we resolve a problem, we often do not glean enough detail to
> trace its cause or prevent it from recurring.

this should help, the problem is they were running your software.  after i
stopped running your software (3 years ago) those problems went away.

> <p>There are risks in offering this option to have software "phone home"

especially when nobody trusts you.  with good reason i might add.

> <p>Also, customers may wonder what we do with their reports and whether
> their privacy is protected. We use advanced security technologies to help
> protect these error reports, which are gathered on a cluster of dedicated
> Microsoft servers

as secure as your other servers?  i feel safer already.

> <p>We've been amazed by the patterns revealed in the error reports that
> customers are sending us.  <i>one percent
> of bugs cause half of all errors</i>.</p>

would that bug be IE or outlook?

> <p>With this immensely valuable feedback from our customers, we're now
> able to prioritize debugging work on our products to achieve the biggest
> improvement in customers' experience.

well anything has to be an improvement over your past "bend over and take
it" eXPerience.

> Some 450 companies
> have accessed our database of error reports related to their drivers,

is that the private data you mentioned before?

> <p>There's much more I would like to share with you about these and other
> initiatives on behalf of customers, but I wanted to be (relatively)
> brief.

well your bloat shines through even by email.

- --
A senior Microsoft Corp. executive told a federal court that some Microsoft
code was so flawed it could not be safely disclosed.  Can you say
"Trustworthy Computing"?

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/

- -------------------------------------------------------

- -- 
There is a reason IIS is refered to as "Inherently Insecure Server."

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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