leeg100 wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 October 2002 02:30 am, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > > Thanks for all the replies, folks.  "supermount -i
> > > disable" fixed it. Creating a new device worked, but
> > > for some reason the Zip no longer has an "eject" choice
> > > on the context menu.  Not really a biggie, but curious.
> > >
> > > Lee
> >
> > make a new icon linked to your ZIP drive from the
> > 'CD/DVD-ROM device...' choice (which has an context menu
> > 'eject' choice).
> Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't completely work! 
> The eject choice is there, but it doesn't eject the disk.
> :(
> Lee

...really!  wow...!  you're correct (it worked on 8.1 and 
8.2), but it does umount the drive and typing eject /mnt/zip 
behaves exactly the same and yields this error message:

[alan@obi-wan removable media]$ eject /mnt/zip
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
[alan@obi-wan removable media]$

so, to get better info:

[alan@obi-wan removable media]$ eject -v /mnt/zip
eject: device name is `/mnt/zip'
eject: expanded name is `/mnt/zip'
eject: `/dev/sda4' is mounted at `/mnt/zip'
eject: unmounting `/dev/sda4'
eject: `/dev/sda4' is a multipartition device
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using CD-ROM eject command
eject: CD-ROM eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using SCSI commands
eject: SCSI eject failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using floppy eject command
eject: floppy eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using tape offline command
eject: tape offline command failed
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
[alan@obi-wan removable media]$

...guess I'll need to report this, thanks. :(

P.S. at least the eject button works. :)

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