you got me curious since i couldn't find the answer as easily as i
thought i would *g*

i went to google and did a search for "file attributes linux" and came
across a link to the 'chattr' man page.  the following excerpt is, i
believe, what you're looking for...

"When  a  file  with  the `S' attribute set is modified, the changes are
written synchronously on the disk; this is  equivalent  to  the  `sync'
mount option applied to a subset of the files."

in other words, this apparently ensures any changes to this file are
immediately written to disk rather than waiting for sync to do it
according to its schedule.

i didn't read the entire manpage so you might want to make sure i didn't
miss something relevant.

On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 10:09, John Bodden wrote:
> Hello all.
> I looked at the file permissions on the Apache server I am running for testing 
>purposes. One of the files, Index.shtml has the following permissions
> -rw-rwSr--
> What is the "S" in the group permission?

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