Hi all

I recently put a atapi 250mb zip drive into my PC and have had problems
making it work. If I peruse dmesg I can see the following line:
hdb: IOMEGA ZIP 250 ATAPI Floppy, ATAPI FLOPPY drive
but if I look for /dev/hdb it doesn't appear to exist
[root@thunderbird root]# ls /dev/hd*
/dev/hda@   /dev/hda2@  /dev/hda4@  /dev/hda6@  /dev/hda8@
/dev/hda1@  /dev/hda3@  /dev/hda5@  /dev/hda7@  /dev/hdc@
If I modify lilo.conf and change the devfs parameter to nomount then I
do have a /dev/hdb and can mount the drive and access it without any

Can someone advise me how to fix this problem or where I can find the
information to sus it out for myself?

Thanks in advance

Colin Rose

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