Dale Huckeby wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Gavin Rollins wrote:
>>On Thursday 10 October 2002 04:21 pm, Dale Huckeby wrote:
>>>  I seem to recall there was a brief discussion on either the newbie or
>>>expert list not too long ago on how to stop a print job and clear the
>>>printer's memory (don't want to waste 70 or 80 pages worth of ink), but
>>>I haven't been able to find it.  Can anyone point me to it, or offer
>>>some suggestions?
>>>Dale Huckeby
>>checking my notes from my "Linux Desk Reference" book p.178 (bottom) says try 
>>this command.. (straight from the book)
>>lprm [-Pprinter] [-] [job#....][user.....]
>>Remove the specified jobs from the print queue.
>>Example: to remove job 43 from printer lp1:
>>      lprm -Plp1 43
>>job numbers may be obtained via the lpq command. 
>>I hope this helps.
>  Alas, I killed the job, but my printer is still printing what it has 
>in memory.  Perhaps that command only works if you remove a job from the 
>cue _before_ it starts printing.  I've decided to bite the bullet so
>I can get my printer back.  Right now I'm feeding it scrap paper until
>it clears its buffer.  (No scrap ink to feed it, unfortuneately.)
>Dale Huckeby
I remember being told my lexmark z52 had too small a buffer memory
just after I bought it , but it seems like , having large buffer memory
might not be such a great thing after all, cause we all make messed up
print jobs from time to time that want cancelling.

It seems to me that print data ought to be stored either in memory or on 
harddrives rather that at the printer, that is anywhere it can be deleted,
unless you can delete from the printer's own buffer memory in some way.
I know sending my printer cancellation commands does nothing to
kill printer buffer memory stored data, so until that is all processed 
you have
to waste paper and ink.Paper's not that expensive but cartridges are
quite another matter.


John Richard Smith

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