I myslef am a newbie but read that if you change user to users in fstab
then another user can unmount it.

There more be more to it than that but it's worth a try.

At 01:52  14/09/99 -0700, you wrote:
>If a user mounts a CD, an entry is made to /etc/mtab indicating what
>happened, the parameters, which user, and the like.  
>However, if a user mounts a cd and then logs out, no other users except
>for that person and root can unmount it, presumably because the mtab file
>is check to see who mounted it in the first place.  Is it possible to do
>one of the following?:
>1) Make a shutdown script for KDE so that when the user logs out, all CD's
>are unmounted automatically, and if so, how?
>2) Change some system setting so that anyone can unmount a CD, no matter
>who mounted it?
>I have read the man pages but with nothing on the mtab file more than
>mention of its existence...
>"A man page is a lot like sex: even when it's lousy, it's a lot better
>than nothing..."
>Secondary question: how does the icon link on the KDE desktop work?  I
>realize it's a file CDROM.kdelink, but what is KDE doing in the background
>to mount/unmount the drive?  Can I mess with it?  I've looked at the
>properties, I'm looking for something a little deeper...
> David
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