
For those who didn't read the other mail, I'm going to kick Windows and
use Linux exclusively on my PC. I intend to re-partition and install
Mandrake 9.0 and I need some tips on how to do this in a smart way.

I have a disk of 40GB which now is devided in 10GB Linux and 30GB
Windows. I have very basic partitions for Linux.

I want to have a separate home-partition to start with. Further I would
like to get started in a while with developing websites linked to a
database (with Python/Apache/MySQL) and to install Oracle 9ias with
development tools. I imagine it could be handy to use a seperate
partition for toying around with that.

All in all I don't want to make it too complicated, just usefull.

I'd like to know your recommandations on what partitions I should create
and their sizes. Thanks.

Regards, Marco

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