On Tuesday 15 October 2002 03:06 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 October 2002 19:51, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 5:51 pm, you wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:19 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

>>>>> snipped stuff about when/if boxed sets will arrive

> I've thought and supposed on the same lines and fact is that I feel it's
> inapropiate to be kept totally in the the dark, this way.
I agree. It would be nice to get an e-mail/notice on the LM homepage/whatever 
about when to expect the boxed sets. However, my experience has been that 
it gets here just about when they said that it would, so I'm not worried. 
Yet. Mandrake does a helluva good job on The Really Important 
Matters, but its customer relations could stand some improvement. Maybe once 
their cash flow improves....

> The boxed version dropping on my doormat tomorrow wouldn't change that
> feeling.
Given that your doorstep is a canal barge, I understand your concern.  ;^)

Harm, try looking at it this way: When we do get our boxes, those of us 
who've chosen to go the boxed set route will have a better idea as to the 
challenges that lay ahead. Not having high speed access isn't all bad. We 
don't have to mess with md5sums, burning CD's, humongeous downloads, etc. For 
me, that's a fair exchange. ymmv

> I hope somebody at Mandrake takes the hint and realizes one sometimes has
> to throw a bone into the pack to keep it happy and make it feel useful.

> Harm.

-- cmg

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