> <snip>
> > Be aware that any application installed from a non official source may
> > have bugs, and could possibly break something. For example Texstar
> > sometimes 'experiments' with quite advanced features that are more
> > appropriate to Cooker than a 'production' system. Read about the package
> > on his site before blindly installing anything. (His libqt3 package with
> > Xft2 font support broke my system this week  Grrr )
> I think I have already experienced this and not realized it. I have been
> like many other newbie's mimicking what my more informed comrades do,
> thinking that I have improved my situation. In my case, I am looking to
> maintain a production machine and have very little interest right now in
> trying out beta or experimental stuff. Should I then not point to any
> folders that are subdirectories off anything saying 'Cooker'? I will
> make a note to not include your link to Texstar, for that reason (at
> least, not for now...)
Tex's RPMS are 9.0 only now, so you do not have the choice. Remember all the 
links I gave were for 9.0. You should find equivalent links for 8.2 or other 

Paths on different mirrors can vary, but it is essentially like this :-

 blah...blah/mandrake-devel/unsupported/8.2     contains packages built by 
volunteers for the 8.2 release and should be quite usable (It contains things 
like OpenOffice 1.0) (Similarly for 9.0)

blah..blah/mandrake/9.0/contrib is a *snapshot* of what contribs looked like 
when 9.0 was frozen.  It will not change. The applications should be stable.  
You are using 8.2. There is a copy of 8.2/contrib on CD3 which will already 
be in your urpmi sources. (It is called RPMS4)

blah..blah/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586 is the actual 'cooker' distribution. It 
changes daily. If you want to be on the 'bleeding edge' you can update a 9.0 
system to cooker, but do not be surprised if one day it is broken. Also do 
not install individual cooker packages unless you know what you are doing.
(I learned the hard way :)

blah..blah/mandrake-devel/contrib contains contributions to the *current* 
cooker. At the moment these will be close to 9.0, but as time passes they 
will diverge and may become incompatible.

> And, if I may stretch this posted reply a bit further....
> What links do you feel are reasonably fast and reliable for
> 'Contribs' for MDK 8.2? I have that running on a couple of boxes and
> really don't want to abandon it as yet. I have already noticed an
> inabililty to completely update KDE libs due to conflicts between the
> downloadable libs and those on the system. Does that mean that I should
> be looking to change the site for one that is more appropriate? Here's
> what I am using now for 'Contribs':
> ftp://mandrake.redbox.cz/Mandrake-old/8.2/contrib/i586/

If you have CD3 you already have Contrib. Check your sources.
9.0 does not have Contrib on CD3, so an online source is needed.

KDE is awkward, because despite David Faure of KDE being employed by Mandrake, 
the KDE releases are not urpmi enabled. So you have to download the entire 
folder into a directory, cd to it and enter urpmi *  If there are additional 
libraries needed, they will not be installed unless they exist in one of your 
urpmi sources.

> And for 'Updates':
> ftp://mirrors.secsup.org/pub/linux/Mandrake/updates/8.2/RPMS/
I have no experience of that mirror, but this one is pretty fast at the 

You can get an idea just by entering the ftp address in a konqueror browser. 
If it is fast and responsive changing directories, then it is probably a good 


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