Boys and Girls:

I have successfully updated the kernel, initscripts and netscape, however i
did it all in X (this is not the query tho since everything is just fine).

I attempted to install at the command prompt as root before i did this
under X, and got the following error message "cannot open [file]"

This has occurred each time i have gone to install or upgrade packages (and
i am definitely in the same directory as the packages).

List of attempted commands:
rpm -Uvh initscripts-4.16-31mdk.i585.rpm
rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i585.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps netscape-common-4.61stable-1mdk.i585.rpm
rpm -Uvh netscape-communicator-4.61stable-1mdk.i585.rpm

This is not an urgent matter, i'm just curious as to WHY?

Thanks everyone, 

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