Mandrake should run on that old fine piece of stuff.... but you need to turn 
off plug and pray aware OS in the BIOS, and you need to tell the installer 
how little memory is left after subtracting for the video memory, so if you 
set the bios to use 4 megs memory, you will need to hit f1 (instead of 
enter,) when asked "hit enter to install or upgrade, or f1 for more options".
then type, with out the quotes, "linux mem=60M" (and don't forget to include 
the capital M after the number) but before you spend that 15 dollars for a 
netcard, buy as much more memory as you can.  

On Friday 11 October 2002 03:44 am, Brad Herring wrote:
> I'm using knoppix (the bootable CD distro) as a test to see whether my
> old hardware will run Linux. I have Mandrake 9.0 downloading right now.
> I know this is a MDK mailing list, but I really need to know that Linux
> will work before I shell out on some networking hardware.
> Knoppix is able load sometimes, most times not. The machine is an Acer
> P200 with 64Mb RAM, CDROM, integrtaed ATI graphics, USB, 2Gb HDD. I'm
> only able to get it to boot by disabling hardware detection for SCSI,
> usb, agp, pcmcia, and disabling the swap file. Even aftter doing this,
> it only boots OK once in every 15 attempts, but other times it just
> hangs on a black screen or gives the following error:
> =====================================
> crc error <6> Freeing initrd memory 475k freed
> Kernal panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:01
> =====================================
> When I saw crc error, I burnt another CD just in case I had a bad burn
> on the first CD, but I'm still getting inconsistant results, mostly bad.
> Is it knoppix's (the bootable CD distro) problem or is it my hardware? I
> only have 2 days to return it (the hardware), it was recently bought 2nd
> hand.
> Thanks for your advice,
> Brad

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