On Friday 11 October 2002 03:58 am, Brandon wrote:
> How do you extract the ISO? my burner is borken as a mentioned
> earlier. Im new so i need every detail on how to get these ISO
> unpacked and working, Thanks alot

ok this is how I do it from linux and extract to a partition that, as 
someone so elegantly put yesterday, "that won't get nuked during 
install".  hehe. 

mkdir /mnt/loop
mkdir /<path>/mandrake
mount /<path>/Mandrake90-cd1-inst.i586.iso -o loop /mnt/loop
cp -r /mnt/loop/* /path/mandrake/
umount /mnt/loop
mount /<path>/Mandrake90-cd2-ext.i586.iso -o loop /mnt/loop
cp -r /mnt/loop/* /<path>/mandrake
umount /mnt/loop
mount /<path>/Mandrake90-cd3-i18n.i586.iso -o loop /mnt/loop
cp -r /mnt/loop/* /<path>/mandrake
umount /mnt/loop

then to install:
cd /<path>/mandrake/Mandrake/images
dd if=hd.img of=/dev/fd0


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