Xmms will play ogg 'out of the box' No need to install or edit anything.

As for grip just edit the 'Config>MP3>Encoder' Tab

Set the encoder to 'oggenc'
and the 'MP3 executable' to /usr/bin/oggenc
and the 'MP3 command line' to
 -o %m -a "%a" -l "%d" -c "genre=%G" -q "%b" -d "%

and the mp3 file format to 

Then in the 'MP3>Options' Tab
set Encoding bitrate to 1
This is 'quality' not actual bit rate.
1 for ~ 56kbps
2 for ~ 96kbps
3 for ~128 kbps

Surprisingly enough Quality of 1 sounds pretty good :-)

You could also use bit rate to define the encoding rate if you wish. In that 
case the 'MP3 Command line' parameter would be different.
See 'man oggenc' for a full breakdown.

Alternatively another way to rip Oggs is with konqueror.
Just open konqueror file manager. Click on the botton icon in the divider 
between left and right panes. This is for 'special' services.
Pick 'Audio CD Browser' If you have an audio CD in the drive you can browse it 
in wav, or ogg format, and drag and drop files from ogg format onto a 
konqueror window. They will get ripped in the process. It is slower than 
grip, but rather cool :-)

You can configure the ogg encoding parameters with KDE 



On Friday 11 Oct 2002 11:13 am, George Baker wrote:
> Having read good reports about ogg audio files I was wondering if it was
> difficult to install the encoder and decoder for use with Grip and Xmms
> respectably. If not, where would I download the, hopefully, RPM's from?
> I am using MDK 7.0 with Grip v2.9 and Xmms v0.9.5.1
> George Baker
> "I feel we are all islands -- in a common sea."
> Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (1906-2001)

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