On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 21:57:05 -0600 FemmeFatale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, BE for some reason went belly up.  I don't know why. :|  Needless 
> to say I was heartbroken.  I was going to use it next.
> Out of curiousity, is it still available?

Palm bought Be and is sitting on the technology; the smart money is that
parts of it will be incorporated in PalmOS 6 (not the new version 5, which
is really "version 1 for a different CPU" as Palm and licencees are moving
from Motorola to ARM as the CPU vendor of choice for their handhelds).

A 'personal edition' of BeOS can be downloaded but is old and isn't being
developed any further. There exists an installer which allows BeOS 5 to
co-exist with a Linux installation by (basically) installing the OS and a
'partition' inside a huge file; unfortunately, it only recognises
ext2-formatted partitions to start with :(


The only way to get anywhere at all with BeOS on the desktop
seems to be outside Palm, and OpenBeOS is trying:


The authors can't be faulted for ambition (first recreate an existing closed
source OS as open source, then proceed thereto!) and are certainly having a
terrific shot at it.


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