On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 21:01:15 +0930
"DaveA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi ET,
> This box resides on a Windoze network (although eventually it would be
> nice to get rid of that!) with an IPCop box as the firewall, and whilst
> it would be cool to be able to access the data on the Windoze boxes,
> it's not crucial as I'm mainly using this box as a learning exercise.
> Given that it's locked-up at this error message, how do I now go about
> shutting-down cleanly?  And yeah, how do I disable NFS?  TIA, DaveA.


file:/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/Starter.html/troubleshooting-system-freeze.html :


When stuck in a "freeze", your computer will not respond to commands anymore and input 
devices like keyboard and mouse seem to be blocked. This is a worst case scenario and 
could mean that you have a very severe error in either your configuration, your 
software or your hardware. Here we will show you to deal with this annoying situation.

In the case of a system freeze, your top priority should be trying to shutdown your 
system properly. Let's assume you are under X, if so, try these steps consecutively: 

Try to kill the X server by pressing the Alt-Ctrl-Backspace keys.

Try to switch to another console by pressing the Alt-Ctrl-Fn keys (where n is the 
console number, from 1 to 6). If you succeed, login as root and issue the command: 
kill -15 $(pidof X) or the command kill -9 $(pidof X), if the first command shows no 
effect. (Check with top to see if X is still running).

If you are part of a local network, try to use ssh to connect into your machine from 
another box. It is advisable to ssh into the remote machine as an unprivileged user 
and then use the su command to become root.

If the system does not respond to any of these steps, you have to go through the 
"SysRq" ("System Request") sequence. The "SysRq" sequence involves pressing three keys 
at once, the left Alt key, the SysRq key (labeled PrintScreen on older keyboards) and 
a letter key. 

Alt-SysRq-R puts the keyboard in "raw" mode. Now try pressing Alt-Ctrl-Backspace again 
to kill X. If that does not work, carry on.

Alt-SysRq-S attempts to write all unsaved data to disk ("sync" the disk).

Alt-SysRq-E sends a termination signal to all processes, except for init.

Alt-SysRq-I sends a kill signal to all processes, except for init.

Alt-SysRq-U attempts to re-mount all mounted filesystems read-only. This removes the 
"dirty flag" and will avoid a file system check upon reboot.

Alt-SysRq-B reboots the system. You might just as well press the "reset" button on 
your machine.


Remember that this is a sequence, i.e. you have to press one combination after the 
other in the right order: Raw, Sync, tErm, kIll, Umount, reBoot[16]. Read the kernel 
documentation for more information on this feature.

If none of the above helps, cross fingers and press the "reset" switch on your 
machine. If you are lucky, GNU/Linux will just run a disk check upon reboot.

By all means, try to find out what causes these lockups because they can do severe 
damage to the file system. You might also want to consider using ext3 or ReiserFS, 
journaling file systems included in Mandrake Linux, which handle such failures more 
gracefully. However, replacing ext2FS with ext3 or ReiserFS requires reformatting your 

[16] Mnemonic phrase: "Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring"


Although your system hangs during shutdown I  hope this "freeze" info is
helpfull. Btw.: I think these Mandrake Linux manuals can be browsed from CD
under Windows (just run the first CD).



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