On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Hidong Kim wrote:
> Hi, Axalon,
> Thanks for the reply.  Here was my original posting:
> <start here>
> Hi,
> I have a network of three Linux machines, all running kernel
> 2.2.9.  I want to nfs mount their drives.  On one of the machines, when
> I do a 'mount -a' to mount the partitions from the other two machines, I
> get this error:
> mount: RPC: Program not registered
> mount: RPC: Program not registered
> mount: RPC: Program not registered
> mount: RPC: Program not registered
> I assume that I'm getting this error four times since there are four
> remote partitions I want to nfs mount.  I've checked that portmap and
> inetd are running on all machines.  I've done 'usr/sbin/exportfs' on the
> other two machines so that the problem machine should be able to see the
> partitions on the other two machines.  On the other two machines, I can
> see the partitions on the problem machine.  There doesn't seem to be
> anything wrong with the network connection.  I can ping, telnet, and
> rlogin between all three machines.  Also, the problem machine is the
> gateway for this network, and I can get out to the Internet fine on all
> three machines.  Why am I not able to nfs mount remote partitions on
> this one problem machine?  Thanks,
> Hidong
> P.S.  I tried rebooting my machine to see if that would solve the "mount
> program not registered" issue.  when the machine was shutting down, I
> noticed an error message saying:
> rpc.nfsd forgot to set AF_INET in udp sendmsg.  Fix it!
> Would this be causing the problems I'm seeing?  And how do I fix it?
> <end here>
> The three Linux machines are called weaver, ripley, and jonesy.  Weaver
> is the one having problems.  None of the three is a server.  However,
> weaver is the gateway for the three machines, and weaver also has a
> printer which can be accessed by all three machines.  'rpcinfo -p' on
> weaver returns:
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  rpcbind
>     100000    2   udp    111  rpcbind
>     100005    1   udp    635  mountd
>     100005    2   udp    635  mountd
>     100005    1   tcp    635  mountd
>     100005    2   tcp    635  mountd
>     100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
>     100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
> 'rpcinfo -p' on ripley and jonesy returns:
>    program vers proto   port
>     100000    2   tcp    111  rpcbind
>     100000    2   udp    111  rpcbind
>     100021    1   udp   1024  nlockmgr
>     100021    3   udp   1024  nlockmgr
>     100021    1   tcp   1024  nlockmgr
>     100021    3   tcp   1024  nlockmgr
> I would expect that 'rpcinfo -p' should return the same information for
> all three machines.  Any suggestions?  Thanks,
> Hidong

check weaver's '/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs status' But i can't see why haveing
the nfs server running is giveing you problems (I use nfs here alot and
haven't had problems sense mariner), unless it's doing something strange
to the lock daemon 

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