I'm trying to upgrade my XFree86 in the hope that the latest version will 
support my (so far unsupported S3 Trio3d) video card.

I downloaded XFree86-3.3.5-1mdk.i586.rpm from Linux-mandrake. I did this on 
my Win NT box, then FTP'd the file to my Linux box.
I de-installed the old XFree86:
RPM -e --nodeps XFree86
I try to install the downloaded package:
RPM -i XFree86-3.3.5-1mdk.i586.rpm

At this point i get the message:
error: XFree86-3.3.5-1mdk.i586.rpm cannot be installed

Can anyone help a beginner out here.  I thought I was getting a handle on 
this stuff.


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