On Friday 01 November 2002 02:26 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 15:09, Charlie wrote:
> > Hi all;
> >
> > This may actually be off topic but I figured someone else might need a
> > chuckle too.
> >
> > http://www.schoolnet.na/pr/msftrelease.html
> >
> > I found it amusing but then I'm "a sick puppy." :-)
> Charlie,
> You're right.  It was funny! I especially liked the part about the MCSE
> paper tigers. ;) The M$ philanthropy sarcasm was especially
> amusing..hehehe
> L8r,
> LX


Any occasion for a spanking (even verbally) of a drone from Microsoft is funny 
IMHO. :-)

On a 'related note': 

The anti-trust trial drones on apparently. Judge CKK's full detailed decision 
will be announced 'after markets close today' but it seems whatever she's 
going to say was leaked anyway. If not why have M$ share prices been rising 
all day? <sigh>


The talking heads on CNN have also said so in the past ten minutes. She 
"approved most of the agreement between DOJ and MS" is what I heard.

Even the "unsettling states proposed remedies" didn't go far enough in my 
view. Whatever lapdogs Microsoft has bought (read politicians) should grab 
all they're able while they can; since from watching, and listening, it seems 
the world isn't going to put up with this crap much longer regardless what 
the 'powers that be' decide not to do.
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Yow!  Are you the self-frying president?

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