Mandrake 9.0

I've been configuring printers all day. There are 4 possible drivers, I have 2
working quite well, 1 works but has a serious problem, the 4th not at all.

The driver that works but has problems is:-

Lexmark Z53 CUPS+GIMP-print-v4.2.2
using that difficult to use "Adjust margins+offsetsof printed page"
programme, with settings,

ML=1.0 ins.
MB=0.5 ins.
MT=0.5 ins.
MR=0.5 ins

the page is centered right enough, but the headers and footers
of any test page are cut off.

I have in kde control center - system - printing manager
image set at 100% of page,
with margins T 0.988 cm
B 0.988 cm
L 2.505 cm
R 0.988 cm

I don't think these settings should chop the headers and footers off
but something does when I use kword to send a test page to printer,
and the same test page in the other 2 working drivers print fine, so
it has to be either something to do with the driver itself or some setting
in the spooling I haven't got right. This driver is worth getting set
up as it worksquite well with Z53 printer in past experience.

I've run out of ideas

Help appreciated


John Richard Smith

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