On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Martin Cleaver wrote:

> >You specify multiple
> > packages on the same command line such as "rpm -e netscape-common-4.6-1
> > netscape-communicator-4.6-1
> But each of the above apparently refers to more than one package :-(
> How can I get a lisrt of what is installed (including duplicates?
> I can't force an uninstall, and forcing an install does cut the number of
> references in Package amanger down to one, but doesn't make it any easier to
> uninstall... I just keep getting the error message.
> Rgds
> Martin

# List all installed packages
rpm -qa
# List Posible duplicates for netscape
rpm -qa | grep 'netscape'
# Delete a specific version of netscape, VERSION='version to delete'
VERSION='4.61stable-1mdk' rpm -e --nodeps \
# Fully delete duplicate netscape install
for i in `rpm -qa |grep 'netscape' ` ; do rpm -e --nodeps $i ; done

rpm -q --queryformat "Hello `whoami` your %{name} is version %{version}\n" \

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