There's a drop-down list on the login dialog box...

Richard Urwin, Private
"No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato."

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:newbie-owner@;]On Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: 05 November 2002 11:21
Subject: [newbie] Desktop Switching tool?

Having come from a RedHat and Slackware background, I personally don't
have a problem in changing my desktops/window managers - but after
loading Mandrake 9.0, I wasn't able to locate a tool/utility to do so
via the GUI - not that it took me too much effort to manually edit the
~/.xsession file to reflect my preference - but is there something I'm
missing? Am I looking in all the wrong places?

I *thought* that I had checked through all the menu options in both KDE
and GNOME, but still, I couldn't find anything that would allow me to
change wm's easily. So, that being the case, and me never being maniacal
enough to say I know it all, I'd really like to know from anyone if
there's a trick I'm missing...

Really appreciate! Cheers!


November 3rd 2002
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!                s.m.kuhn                !
!  kuhn media australia - !
!   Mashed potatoes can be your friend.  !

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