I think it does not matter if you use your lokal UK server or something else.
If your UK server does not work for you just use something else.
I am using one server in Norway and secondary in France, I have 2 hours time 
difference between me and Norway.
I have specified my timezone and my sytem time is always accurate.

And there is a big list already existing in the time settings from MCC, sipmly select 
the one you wish no need to search google for additiopnal.


 Wed, 06 Nov 2002 19:11:11 +0800
gnukid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> actually, what's appearing on the timestamp of your email is 1/19/2038. 
> you're almost 4decades ahead of us LOL, no offense =) j/k just made me 
> laugh after another frustrating day.
> Maybe it has something to do with the public time server, not on your side.
> magnet wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Digging thru Webmin I came across a page to enter the host/address of a time 
> > server. I have searched google and found only ONE UK public server on IP 
> > but if I use it and request webmin to sync the time my system 
> > clock is reset to the year 1969.
> > Now... have I lost the plot on this or am I simply doing something wrong?
> > 
> > As usual your help is appreciated :)
> > 
> > regards
> > magnet
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
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> > Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
> -- 
> this is my signature, it's not much but I was able to make one
> -philip

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