I hadn't thought of that, Sephen.  I assumed since I upgraded from a
system with sawfish, sawfish would remain.  I see no option in any of
the gnome menus to change window manager, or anything that mentions
metacity.  There is a sawfish folder, though.  How do I find out which
wm i am using?

- Paul

On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 17:21, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> <mailto:newbie-owner@;linux-mandrake.com> wrote: 
> > So does that make this an official bug?  Anybody know how to file it?
> > 
> > - Paul
> > 
> > On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 13:41, Sharrea wrote:
> >> On Thursday 07 Nov 2002 4:34 am, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
> >>> Has anybody gotten sawfish configuration to work in 9.0?  Anytime I
> >>> click on any of the sawfish config programs in the gnome config
> >>> menu, none of the programs open.
> >>> 
> >>> - Paul Rodriguez
> >> 
> >> Same here.  Been wondering 'bout that myself...
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today
> >> ----
> I think that part of the issue is to ask whether or not you changed the
> actual window manager from MetaCity to Sawfish in the first place...if
> you didn't change the window manager, then nothing "Sawfish" will work.
> I'm working on getting rid of MetaCity right now as I just don't like
> it...rather have Sawfish...and having problems with installing it via
> RPM as well as source...digging up the necessary libs and getting them
> linked properly is a pain...then again, if I could only get Gnome2
> removed and go back to the old-faithful Gnome 1.4 - had a lot more
> features and was a tad more configurable...
> 11 07 2002
>              __    __
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> !****************************************!
> !                s.m.kuhn                !
> !  kuhn media australia - kma.0catch.com !
> !****************************************!
> !   Now go away or I shall taunt you a   !
> !              second time!              !
> !****************************************!
> ----

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