On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 14:21, Antonio R. wrote:
> Hi everybody:
> I’ve just installed Mandrake Linux on my computer and it looks really cool, but I 
>don’t know how to connect to the internet, and my IP doesn’t give help to linux 
>users and the worst problem is that I use my computer as the server of my house and 
>there are two other computers connected to mine, so…
> I need someone to help me, step by step, on how to configure my internet connection 
>and who do I set up my computer as a server, or at least, can anybody tell me where 
>can I read in the internet information concerning about this?
> OK, I have and DSL connection with external modem and I don’t know where to find 
>my Domain Name and my DNS servers nor nothing, so I need to find all the information 
>to connect either.
> And by the way, can anybody tell me how to configure my keyboard because it has an 
>English configuration and I need to configure it to Spanish.
> Well, that is all. Please, help me with this ☺!
> Antonio R.
> ICQ: 18319148
> "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
> James Dean (1931-1955)
1.) You're going to need to get the DNS/DHCP information from your ISP
for your DSL/ADSL connection along with username and password - unless
it's got a static IP - you might want to call your ISP or surf to their
website to see if there's info about it.
2.), 3.) and the rest - all dependent on what you can get from 1.) !!!

Via con Dios!

Fri Nov  8 13:35:00 EST 2002

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