On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 21:02, Richard Urwin wrote:
> I was wondering why mine didn't boot; I burned it under Windows.
> Is this the case for ISO images, though, I'd have thought they specified
> everything.
> --
> Richard Urwin, Private
> "No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato."

No. Creating ISO images doesn't always mean that it's going to
read/write the actual boot sector properly - hence programs like
BLIND-READ and BLIND-WRITE that make complete dupes of a CD. I like
doing my ISO under linux as opposed to using Windo$e mainly for that
reason. I can burn a bootable ISO of Mac OS/X as well as WinXP, WinNT,
OS/2, BeOS or whatever...doesn't matter. Windo$e burners inherently
don't do a great job (unless you REALLY configure your software properly
- and Nero is probably the only one that works aside from
Blind-Read/Blind-Write)...as well, what you read an ISO with and how
it's read are important - same with the final burn of the ISO to
CD...attention to detail is important...

Mon Nov 11 22:50:00 EST 2002

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It's the same as that between Hillary's ascent of Everest and the
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