I use kspread on a daily basis.

I have often felt the length of time it takes to load
Kspread files and display the data,as
compared with other spread sheet programmes it takes 10 times as long.One kspread file of just 105kb takes 20 seconds on my most
powerful computer.

Hithertoo I had always assumed kspread had a terrific memory usage as compared to other spread sheet programmes.

After installing gkrellm and lm_sensors I am not so sure.

Is it possible that kspread might be
denighed memory/cpu usage to accomplish the task.

Gkrellm , the graphical display programme seems to show little
demand upon memory/cpu by kspread as compared to other tasks such
as transfering very large files(650mb) from one partition to
another where both cpu and memory usage rockets.

Could low levels of memory/cpu usage be an explanation for length
of time kspread requires to load and display files ?


John Richard Smith

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