> Best way is to edit the /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add
> fetchmail -d360
> (or whatever the polling interval is you desire)

done and I tested it by rebooting and checking for fetchmail

> > Mandrake -> ISP
> > Mandrake <- ISP *
> >
> > Client (windows) -> Mandrake
> > Client (windows) <- Mandrake *
> >
> Being that the outbound mailing is rather simple, it would appear as
> though you might have something mucked up in your outbound configs.
> Postfix or Sendmail might need to be double checked for configuration.
I did have a problem with inet_interface as was reported in the log:

Nov 14 22:29:54 dot postfix/smtp[3705]: fatal: config variable
host not found: dot.thompco.com

I changed main.cf from:
#inet_interfaces = localhost
inet_interfaces =
and am not getting any errors in /var/log/mail/errors or warnings in
/var/log/mail/warnings anymore

> > Those with an asterix work, the others used to work.  I would love to
> > what the names of each one are.
> >
> Let's try this as an example of how I have my fetchmail working (diagram
> style)
> (For inbound) ISPmailserver -> LinuxServer (fetchmail) -> mbox
> -- fetchmail set to remove all messages from server
> (For outbound using SENDMAIL) mbox -> via SENDMAIL (or postfix) ->
> ISPMailserver

This part is working for me (I am getting email on my Mandrake machine from
my ISP and I am getting my email on my windows and local client applications
from my Mandrake machine.)

> Windows clients use the IP of the LinuxServer as their SMTP server, and,
> of course, the IP of the LinuxServer as their POP3 (or IMAP if you have
> that running).

This is the part I need to know about as this is the part that does not
work!  Please elaborate on the Linux server applications that talk to the
Windows and local (running on the mandrake machine) email clients.  What are
these processes?

> You can start FETCHMAILCONF from a terminal or from a RUN command in
> your WM - it's rather straightforward.

I am getting mail OK, so I don't think I want to monkey with fetchmail (if
it ain't broke - don't fix it.)

> Using WebMin (assuming it's installed on your system) is easy. Just open
> up a browser, type in: localhost:10000 and hit enter. If you got it
> installed, it will pop up a login page. If you don't, well, it won't!

waayyy cool! I finally have webmin running.  thanks for that!

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