Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 01:43, John Richard Smith wrote:

I use kspread on a daily basis.

I have often felt the length of time it takes to load
Kspread files and display the data,as
compared with other spread sheet programmes it takes 10 times as long.One kspread file of just 105kb takes 20 seconds on my most
powerful computer.

Hithertoo I had always assumed kspread had a terrific memory usage as compared to other spread sheet programmes.

After installing gkrellm and lm_sensors I am not so sure.

Is it possible that kspread might be
denighed memory/cpu usage to accomplish the task.

Gkrellm , the graphical display programme seems to show little
demand upon memory/cpu by kspread as compared to other tasks such
as transfering very large files(650mb) from one partition to
another where both cpu and memory usage rockets.

Could low levels of memory/cpu usage be an explanation for length
of time kspread requires to load and display files ?

John Richard Smith

I've often found (on both RedHat, Slackware and now Mandrake) that the
KOffice applications tend to take their merry-old-time starting up -
that is, prior to tweaking the entire system overall.

I've had to rebuild the kernel, tweak the HD settings, the video
settings and the likes before applications such as either KOffice and
StarOffice act "nicely" - keep in mind the amount of resource each of
those applications has to use in order to not just "display" a nice GUI
to you, but to actually function as a proper program.

After tweaking, it takes mere seconds on my test workstation for an
application like KSpread to open up (it's a 733mhz w/ 256mb RAM and a
build-in TNT2 NVIDIA card with 32mb of RAM set aside in BIOS) - but
performs quite nicely when tuned!)

So if I understand this correctly , koffice may not be getting it's share of available
resources due to the way koffice is compiled into the kernel. Well something of the
such must be to do with the case, for I have an 1800 Athlon cpu with 512mb DDR
memory , and kspread takes 20 seconds to load 125kb kspread file from hard drive,
not floppy. However, I have to say I CAN load a hefty kword document file into kword
in only a fraction of a second, so to my , admitedly inexperienced mind , this suggests
that it is something to do with the way the kspread aspect of koffice is loaded, rather
than koffice as a whole. This disparity between loading files into each application
is a real pitty because kword is shaping up to become an outstanding piece
of application software. I had hoped the kde team would of done some work to
improve the way kspread loads files , but it does not seem to be, not in M9.0 which
I am quoting the above performance figures for.

I am not currently sufficiently capable to compile my own kernels. I would be more
likely to screw it up than succeeed, however I suppose , provided that I retained the
old kernel, and merely wrote a new stanza in /etc/lilo.conf then I could always go back
to it again if my creation didn't work, but I really don't know how to go about
such a piece of technical wizardry, I'm the kind of person who would really
want to download someone elses work and configure it into the bootscript.

Anyway thanks for your help and guidance.


John Richard Smith

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