On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:31 pm, you wrote:
> On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 1:16 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > I uninstalled Mozilla immediately after re-installation of 8.2, so that I
> > could install Mozilla 1, but that removed Galeon.  If I reinstall galeon
> > from the Mandrake 8.2 disks am I likely to cause any conflicts?
> >
> > Anne
> Yes.
> Galeon's releases are very closely tied to Mozillas
> Your best course of action is to install both Mozilla and Galeon from the
> 8.2/unsupported folder on a Mandrake mirror
> For example
> ftp://ftp.rediris.es/sites/carroll.cac.psu.edu/mandrake-devel/unsupported/8
> derek

Derek - I've grabbed


I'm not interested at the moment in irc or web development.  Do I need 
anything else to make these work?

I'm also not entirely sure about the install, now that I've got them - I've 
mainly used apps from Mdk's disks, and the Mozilla 1.0 that I downloaded had 
its own installer.


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