Don and Alexa Pongracz wrote:
Hi, I'm Alexa, and really new to the Linux route but sticking with it
because I want to.
I had Mandrake 8.2 installed and don't have any dollars to get the upgrade.
Well, it bombed on me and I lost my X thing for the desktop so I have to
reinstall. Now my internet, never a problem before won't install.
As I lay in bed last night thinking...I wondered if I tried to jam too much
on ie: lots of packages where only one was highlighted (button) and if I
should just stick to workstation and games. At least, that's what I'm trying
this morning.
The best thing about yesterday was finding this support group. Like someone
else, I am back in windows, but on my husbands machine. I develop Web Pages,
have a goal of owning my own Linux server, and really want to learn. Finally
there's someone I can ask questions of...second question..will the group get
too irritated if I ask really dumb questions?
Can you give us some more specific information? Was exactly was going on when X crashed? How do you install Mandrake (CD, network, hard disk)?

It's not that hard to get 9.0 without spending too much money. While everyone would love you to spend the money on an official Mandrake pack (and thus support Mandrake), there are cheaper alternatives - thrid-party distributors such as sell Mandrake very cheaply, you can download and burn the iso images if you have a CD writer and infinite patience, computer magaizines often give away distros, or you can talk a friend into copying it for you.

One of the things I like about Open Source is that it makes ethical behaviour a positive rather than a negative thing. With proprietary software, you usually have to buy the software, and if you borrow it from a friend or acquire it through other means, you are an evil software pirate. With Open Source / Free Software, you can get hold of it in any way you like, and that's OK, but if you want to pay something back to the community by buying an official boxed set, writing software/documentation, helping out other people etc., that's even better.

Sir Robin

"Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun doing it."
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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