On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 07:46, Stormjumper wrote:
> thank you stephen.
> the issue is not so much my smb.conf,
> since killing the 2nd smbd process solves the problems.
> rather, i'm stumped as to which script/tool is starting
> smbd the 2nd time.
> if i can turn that off, my problem will be solved.
> thanks

Have you checked through all of your init scripts? It is nice to be able
to start them manually - or at least after you've booted up (if you
reboot or turn off your machine). I used to run my SMB that way, but got
lazy with age and let it start automatically...

Were there any discrepancies in the SWAT or SMB configuration? And keep
in mind that smb and nbmd run hand-in-hand...it is rather strange, tho
that other instances of smb start up after a login attempt...hmmm...

Tue Nov 19 08:10:00 EST 2002

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|      | /  \__.`=._) (_       |kuhn media australia
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|      |'.  `\ |         |     |stephen kuhn
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