Hi All

I have a Kyro video card (more fool me). Under 8.2 everything was crappy then 
powervr released a Linux driver (they even had a rpm for Mandrake). Installed 
that and all was good. Then i upgraded to 9.0. 9 recognises my Kyro however 
it doesnt seem to have installed openGL.

When I execute glxinfo from console I can see that direct rendering = No. 
Being a user who like their eye candy this means that any openGL screensaver 
runs like a dog (1 frame per second).

I have tried downloading the powerVR rpm again but it wont install (it wants 
an earlier kernel) have also tried downloading the source and installing that 
way however it fails at the make stage with 
Makefile:26: *** kernel source not found in $KERNELROOT, 
/usr/src/linux-2.4.19-1     6mdk, or /usr/src/linux.  Stop.

Has anyone had a similar problem or maybe suggest where I go to from here?

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